Again, with the Money Creation


2 min readDec 16, 2020

I’ve been enquiring of Economics: “What is the moral and ethical justification for the current process of money creation?”

Similarly, the definition of money, fails to describe the essential function, and ideal characteristics of money, as a globally fungible trade medium.

This lack of definition inhibits moral or ethical assessment.

I’m positing that money is ideally an option to purchase human labor, broadly, as anything brought to market. As human labor is requred to bring anything to market.

Monetary system as global human labor futures market provides a structure to examine that moral and ethical basis.

State asserts ownership of access to human labor, by licensing Central Bank to sell options to purchase citizen labor, and keeping the option fees. (discount rate)

If you will, consider a rule of inclusion for international banking regulation, to establish an ethical global human labor futures market, along with cascading benefits. (also achieves stated goals of international banking regulation)

All sovereign debt, money creation, shall be financed with equal quantum Shares of global fiat credit, that may be claimed by each adult human being on the planet, held in trust with local deposit banks, administered by local fiduciaries and actuaries exclusively for secure sovereign investment at a fixed and sustainable rate, as part of an actual local social contract.

Fixing the value of a Share at a million, and the sovereign rate at 1.25%, establishes a stable, sustainable, regenerative, inclusive, abundant, and ethical, global economic system, with mathematical certainty. (this claim has gone far too long without dispute to be invalid)

When all money is borrowed into existence from each of us, collectively, through our sovereign trust accounts, and the fees collected are paid equally to each of us, individually, to an attached deposit account, we have an ethical process.

The resultant money, has the characteristics of ideal money, where our current currencies have none. Those characteristics being: a fixed unit of cost for planning, stable store of value for saving, with global acceptance for maximum utility, and nothing else.

Fixed cost of creation and maintenance establishes the fixed unit value, and stable store. All money will forever and always have the precise convenience value of using 1.25% per annum options to purchase human labor, money, instead of barter.

Uncoerced global acceptance is only acquired with express individual agreement, and compensation, as with an actual local social contract. (To enable maximum cultural diversity)

I do hope you will consider the inevitable and most likely effects of including each human being on the planet equally in a globally standard process of money creation, it is a moral and ethical imperative.

Thanks for your kind indulgence,





I want everyone to get paid, my work is available without attribution, can't imagine that being relevant to anything you're discussing