2 min readOct 4, 2023


As a scientist, don’t you need a fixed unit of measure?

Laboratory that can’t make scientific observations…

Haven’t tried Economic democracy. Shall I say again?

The non-governmental economic representatives we choose when selecting a local deposit bank to administer our individual sovereign trust accounts are the representatives we get, not ones who got the most votes. Those are the local fiduciaries and actuaries who will oversee your individual sovereign rate loans for home, farm, or secure interest in employment.

Including each human being on the planet equally in a globally standard process of money creation with a rule of inclusion for international banking regulation makes global monetary system the most democratic structure ever. Actual local social contracts to claim our Shares of the global human labor futures market provide the laboratories. Local social contracts can be written to describe any ideology so adopting the rule has no direct affect on any existing governmental or political structures as they can be included in local social contracts. We enable maximum cultural diversity and innovation. Local social contracts can create a local system of any ideology within another State or National ideological system.

More than a decade and a half without logical or moral argument against adopting the rule. No logical dispute of any assertion of fact or inference, or falsification of any claim. That’s acceptance of everything presented, isn’t it?

Correcting the foundational inequity provides a scientific basis for Economics, a cost free global basic income, structural economic self ownership, global economic enfranchisement & democracy… benefit cascades.

Near complete refusal to acknowledge the inevitable and most likely effects.




I want everyone to get paid, my work is available without attribution, can't imagine that being relevant to anything you're discussing