3 min readJan 8, 2022


Funny, to say a thing can't

and then how it can...

Want to know how human beings can self finance what we need?

A bunch of people who should know better claim to not understand, or puke logical fallacy at it. Curious what you think.

The part folks claim to not understand is the functional reality that fiat money is an option to purchase human labor/produce/property, and we don't get paid our option fees. There's nothing else to do with the stuff, trade with other humans for their stuff conveniently without arranging a barter exchange.

Current monetary system/global human labor futures market has State assert ownership of access to human labor (unconstitutionally-13th,) licenses that ownership to Central Bankers who sell options to purchase human labor as State currency, collecting and keeping our option fees as interest on money creation loans. The friends of Central Bankers, Wealth, buy sovereign debt for a profit and have State force humanity to make the payments on that money for Wealth with our taxes in debt service, along with a bonus to finance human activity at their whim.

It's clear from WEF estimate of $255 trillion in existence with over $200 trillion in bond market. Central Bankers have loaned $255 trillion into existence, and now Wealth owns $200 trillion of global sovereign debt, having humanity make the payments on all the money, instead of collecting our option fees.

Oh, the correction eliminates bond and exchange markets, World Bank and IMF, replacing them with improved access & function, with direct borrowing from humanity. Also creates ideal money instead of the crap we get from the con game: a fixed unit of cost for planning, stable store of value for saving, with voluntary global acceptance, and nothing else. Implementation requires banks to develop products with individual sovereign trust accounts and for communities to draft actual local social contracts based on ubiquitous access to 1.25% per annum credit for secure investment to claim them with. Kinda their usual work, the actual local social contracts should exist anyway, so doesn't cost much of anything extra.

And adoption of a rule of inclusion for international banking regulation, BASEL III et al: All sovereign debt, money creation, shall be financed with equal quantum Shares of global fiat credit that may be claimed by each adult human being on the planet, held in trust with local deposit banks, administered by local fiduciaries and actuaries exclusively for secure sovereign investment at a fixed and sustainable rate, as part of an actual local social contract.

Fixing the value of a Share at $1,000,000 USD equivalent and the sovereign rate at 1.25% per annum establishes a stable, sustainable, regenerative, inclusive, abundant, and ethical global economic system with mathematical certainty. All money will then have the precise convenience value of using 1.25% per annum options to purchase human labor instead of barter, mathematically distinct from money created at any other rate. The value of a self referential mathematical function can't be affected by fluctuations in the cost or valuation of any other thing. We'll know regardless what currency is in hand, it was created for secure investment and someone somewhere is paying 1.25% per annum on it we each share equally.

For a significantly reduced and fixed global cost, we get an otherwise cost free global basic income, and ideal money. Fixed cost provide fixed unit value and stable store. Local social contracts provide voluntary global acceptance with reasonable compensation.

Also makes Wealth irrelevant and enables humanity to affect its course as the aggregate individual needs and demands of each human being on the planet who accepts a local social contract. When existing global sovereign debt is repaid with new fixed value money, Wealth will have over $200 trillion to save or reinvest in something else, with over $6 quadrillion of 1.25% per annum credit readily available locally, globally, for secure investment with local fiduciary oversight. All human needs can be sustainably financed without any of Wealth's accumulation.

With ubiquitous access to some portion of $1,000,000/Capita of 1.25% money for secure investment, communities will have backlogs of readily financed projects waiting for willing available labor. Since fiduciaries won't release funds without a commitment of labor, labor becomes the scarce commodity, and we'll each own an equal Share. Those local social contracts will need to be comprehensive and generous to attract and retain citizen depositors, and willing available labor.

Communities will be enabled to self finance the construction and maintenance of sections of the circumferential floating highway gardens and reef around our relatively storm less equator...

Thanks for your observations and kind indulgence




I want everyone to get paid, my work is available without attribution, can't imagine that being relevant to anything you're discussing