2 min readOct 21, 2018


Hey John,

Interesting narrative, but your understanding of money, fiat money, is less than accurate

Examining your examples of wealth creation, It’s all human labor

Why you should devalue the labor of a server over any other work, I don’t understand…

The notion of stable currency is important, minding that for any currency to be stable, all currencies must be

The notion that commodity backed currencies can be stable is wrong, the price of any commodity fluctuates, that, and the fact that not enough gold exists to guarantee the value of our currencies, is why the gold standard was abandoned, and why no physical commodity can function in that capacity

Consider as you note, the ideal characteristics of money:

Fixed unit of cost, stable store of value, with global acceptance

And what money actually is:

An option to purchase any human labor

When State spends money into existence, as with Kings, the money is a note saying the holder may claim any available labor, or good, and each must accept the note in exchange

In this way, State asserts ownership of all human labor, as only the owner of a commodity may create an option to purchase it

Of course, the bond market was created to account for State created money, borrowing previously created money from Wealth, paying interest with taxes collected from each, and most money is created as debt by loaning it into existence from banks

But neither State nor bank owns our labor, so the interest collected in the process of money creation, in the human labor option market, belongs to each of us, as we are the owners of that commodity

You appear to make the claim that public infrastructure is not created wealth, I strongly disagree. It’s clear that public infrastructure reduces production, delivery, planning, acquisition costs, and more

“The distortions addressed by UBI are better addressed by reducing the degree to which the political and speculative economies compete with Main Street for access to the money supply”

We have a fiat money system, the money supply is what we create

Creating money according to the rule of inclusion globally provides a standard process, so all money is created equal, we return to fixed exchange

Fixed exchange, backed with a relatively fixed commodity (the pledge of all future human labor,) looks far more ideal, for money

At what cost?

Only the individual trust accounts, holding a limited right to loan money into existence (a normal cost of banking) and the drafting of local social contracts ( a normal cost of government, that should have been done)… so, negligible

For that small investment in individual sovereignty, we get a global surplus of sustainably priced credit, proportional to population, and each of us receives an equal share of the interest paid to create money

A UBI not taken from anyone, but earned for our participation in the enterprise of money creation…

..that also enables access to global economic abundance, and individual sovereignty

I do hope you will consider the notion

Thanks so much for this effort, and your kind indulgence




I want everyone to get paid, my work is available without attribution, can't imagine that being relevant to anything you're discussing